Wednesday, July 26, 2006

32min 3.3mi

A night run. On the hot side. Slight pullish pain in right calf caused me to call it quits at 3 loops. Really paranoid about the calf pains.

Sunday, July 23, 2006

43min 4.4mi

Still hyper sensitive on the left calf but it held up. Some pain in the right calf now, but not bad. I didn't want this blog to turn into a history of what kind of pain was involved in each run, but training has become a lesson in pain management.

Friday, July 21, 2006

?min 1.3mi

Another "timid" run worrying about the left calf. I don't remember any real pain the whole run.

Thursday, July 20, 2006

?min 1.1mi

Took a week+ off becuase of left calf pain - it went through a few phases of weird pull pain, then weird "ticking" kinda feeling, and was very nervous tonight when I ran, but I took it slow, and was majorly favoring it, and it didn't hurt at all. Stretched a lot before and after. Learning to listen to my body I guess. I really wanted to run more... want to make sure I heal.

Sunday, July 09, 2006

8.2mi 90min

A long lonley run. Calf hurt from mile one and never got worse or better. Was watching the Red Sox vs. White Sox game in the 10th inning getting ready to run... and watched it go until the 12th before saying, "Screw it" and stepped out to run. I did over 8 miles and when I got back the game was STILL on. It went 19innings, and the loosers lost.

Friday, July 07, 2006

2mi ?min

Ran to the store in the dark. Stupid car threw a bottle into the road right after it passed me. Other than that it was a great run - I wish I could run more and drive less.

Thursday, July 06, 2006

51min 5.5mi

Left at twilight, got home in the dark of night. Stupid jeeps like to hug the side road. Two of them tonight. Every car at least kinda veered over the center line, but the two jeeps were hugging the side forcing me into the trees.

Other than that a great run, had a pang in the calf around mile 4 which made me thing, "Finally, that one damn long muscle has torn a little and won't bug me" - we'll see tommorow. Stretched before and after, and again just now. Trying simple toe touches to keep the calfs loose.

Gonna sign up for the marathon tommorow.


Wednesday, July 05, 2006

?min 2.2mi

Did a couple laps around the neighborhood. It's been 3 days since I last ran and I felt it in the first 5 min. So I took it slow, and when I went to check my watch to see how long I'd been warming up it was still at 0:00:00, meaning I forgot to start it. D'oh. Started it and finished the first 1.1 loop and started it over and did a fast loop. Did a 6:53 mile which was good as I should have done another mile but didn't have time.

Saturday, July 01, 2006

58min ?mi

Again on the little island running back and forth. I covered every driveable road on the island, which involved climbing two pretty painfull hills. I'm coloring this 6.5miles even if it wasn't - it certainly felt like it.