Friday, April 28, 2006
Did the Lake Loop Abridged again - very nice run, lots of different terrain. Some non-busy roads, dirt roads, fields, a short stretch of busy road, a path in the woods (my fav) and fence lined side walk. I liked the toons the iPod selected and how they mixed with the terrain. No pain, no weekness, no worries an finished strong feeling like I had a little left.
Wednesday, April 26, 2006
?min ?miles
Ran with my friend Rob, which rocked. Running with people is always better. Maybe better isn't the right word, it's different. A long lonely run is often very good, but I think running with friends will present more motivation and perhaps pick up my pace a bit.
Tuesday, April 25, 2006
?min 2.3miles
Quick neighborhood loops before work, gonna be late! Sucks too cause I was really getting into it on the last home stretch, and wanted to stay out. Figured a good trick out, I left the iPod armband in the green car, so I had to use the belt strap - and I decided to tuck the headphone cable under my shirt - and it worked perfect; I didn't snag the cable once.
Sunday, April 23, 2006
?min 1.59miles
At the in-laws in Springfield, MA. They live on a hill - and I ran to the top of it today. It sucked - rain, cold, wind... worst run ever. Running uphill is pretty much the worst. Probably something like 3 miles (updated, wasn't even 2 miles), 1/2 of it right up the hill. I went up the orchard type trail so I could see how far I had to go most of the time. Won't be doing that again anytime soon.
Wednesday, April 19, 2006
Monday, April 17, 2006
?min 3.3 miles
Neighborhood loop 3 times. Did some sprinting on the 3rd lap, which I think helped imensly. I really think I need to work on the speed. Working towards a 6.5miles race in a month, and I positive I can run the whole thing easily. I suppose I need to pick a goal speed soon and structure some training towards it.
Saturday, April 15, 2006
Monday, April 10, 2006
57min 5.75mi
The plan was 2 miles in the moonlight, but every corner I was telling my self to add another lap. I was fully planning on the 6th lap too, I really wanted to get a glimps of what the current "wall" looked and felt like. Had the right thigh pain after 1 mile, but it was deeper and kinda went away as the laps added up. The right calf had a few words around mile 3, but then he was silent. Got a glance from the side cramps at mile 4, but even she seemed to have no real complaints. Probably right at mile 5 the left calf (my oldest nemises) really started to whine. So that's the wall I guess - more a fear of getting injured than any real "stop now" kinda thing. I came very close to pushing it when "Down on the Corner" by Creedence came up on the iPod - but I didn't want to get hurt. If anyone reading this thinks that a calf muslce pain like that is something you should run through I'd like to know - as the rest of me had a few more laps.